Oasis by the River
HWY 95
Bullhead City, AZ 86429
SnowbirdSeeker.com is a community of property owners, property managers, and snowbirds. The site provides users an anonymous forum that facilitates the communication between seasonal rental property owners and renters. Our website enables you to advertise your rental property to renters that match your length of stay preferences. Seasonal rental properties are available all across the USA, but typically Snowbirds have been flocking to seasonal rentals in
SnowbirdSeeker.com LLC has its main offices and headquarters in Sarasota, Florida. The company's core mission is to provide a seasonal property management tool and site dedicated to help snowbirds, travelers, and renters find the best seasonal rentals by owner. SnowbirdSeeker.com recognizes that the trend to seek warmer climates in the winter remains constant and that snowbirds are increasingly internet savvy each year.
Our goal is to continue to be the market leader among seasonal rental property services websites. We designed the site to be primarily vacation rental by owner, but we discovered
Our Membership Plans:
$142.99 USD Rental Booking By Owner Annual Plan - 12 Months Unlimited Access.
How long are average snowbird bookings?
Answer: "The average booking is 3 months totaling $9800."
How do your rates compare with competitors?
Answer: "Sites like Airbnb and HomeAway charge card processing and guest fees up to 12% of total booking amount. SnowbirdSeeker only charges a flat rate of just $142.99 for the annual plan."