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Accommodation Type: Mobile Home
Date of Availability: Available Now
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Property Details
Property Title: Blue Heron Pines
Country: United States
State: FL
City: Punta Gorda
Property Type: Vacation Rental
Nearest Airport: Fort Myers Regional RSW
Neighborhood Details
Region of city: 4 miles to downtown Punta Gorda
Zip code: 33950
Cross streets: Rt 75 1 mile & Jones Loop Road
Residence Description
Type: Mobile Home
No. of Bedrooms: 2
No. of Bathrooms: 2
Area(In sq.Ft): 1250
Residence Features: Air Conditioning, Swimming Pool, Gym, Internet, Washer/Dryer, Patio/Lanai, Wi-Fi
Space Details
Rental Type: Monthly
Weekly Rent($): N/A
Monthly Rent($): 1100.00
Nightly Rent($): N/A
Initial Deposit($): 500.00
Date Available: Available Now
Utilities: Water, Utensils
Space Features: Cable, Furnished
Renter Preferences
Smoking: Outside Smoker
Pets: Dogs Ok, Cats Ok
Total Members: 2
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